Yearly Archives: 2020


COVID-19: A glance of national coping strategies on highstakes examinations and assessments

This UNESCO working paper provides a snapshot of decisions taken by countries with regard to high-stakes exams and timetabled assessments in response to COVID-19.

2021-01-11T08:36:26+00:00April 11th, 2020|Articles|0 Comments

High-stakes school exams during COVID-19 (Coronavirus): What is the best approach?

As schools around the world closed due to COVID-19, it left many students wondering whether their high-stakes exams will proceed this year. Read more about the alternative approaches to examinations in this World Bank blog.

2021-01-11T08:36:51+00:00April 1st, 2020|Articles|0 Comments

Could coronavirus shape the way assessments work forever?

As countries such as the UK, India and Australia decided to cancel exams at various levels due to COVID-19, the pandemic sparked a broader discussion around examination and whether alternative assessments may be more effective. This blog by the GEM Report looks at the various arguments around high-stakes examinations and how we might shift away from these assessments in light of COVID-19.

2021-01-11T08:37:12+00:00March 20th, 2020|Articles|0 Comments
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