Monthly Archives: August 2020


Launching soon: UIS Survey of COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on National Education Planning Units

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) will soon be contacting countries to request information about the impact of the pandemic on the national statistical operations, including international reporting. The responses will allow the UIS and donor agencies to design mitigation and assistance strategies, which will be beneficial for Member States and other stakeholders.

2020-08-07T04:57:32+00:00August 7th, 2020|News & Events|0 Comments

UNESCO-UNICEF-World Bank jointly conducts survey to monitor national education responses to COVID-19 school closures

Implemented jointly by the UNESCO/UIS, UNICEF and The World Bank, this survey seeks to collect information on national education responses to school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis of results will inform local and national responses and help in preparation for the reopening of schools.

2020-10-02T17:08:48+00:00August 7th, 2020|News & Events|0 Comments
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