About the survey

As part of the coordinated global education response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO/UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNICEF and the World Bank are jointly launching the Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures. The survey seeks to collect information from Member States on the country-wide scope of national education responses to the mass school closures from pre-primary to upper secondary levels. Responses to the survey will help better guide local/national policy responses to mitigate the impact of school closures and help prepare for the reopening of schools. The results will also help inform the actions of the partners mobilized through the UNESCO Global COVID-19 Education Coalition.

How is the survey conducted? The Survey is available in four languages (English, French, Spanish, and Russian) and can be submitted by email or an online survey platform. The survey will be administered at various waves to capture the latest national impacts and responses.

Who is surveyed? Ministries of education and statistics units were contacted regarding the completion of the survey. Ideally, it is suggested that a focal point within the ministry be appointed to collect and submit responses on behalf of the country (ideally, a team of two members to ensure response continuity).

This survey is intended to have multiple rounds of data collection in order to capture the developments as governments adapt their actions and policies to national contexts.

– A first wave of data collection started in May and lasted until mid-June 2020.

– A second wave of data collection will start at the beginning of July.

Click here to access key results!

Visit the UNESCO/UIS website for the latest on the forthcoming survey.