
TIMSS 2015 Assessment Frameworks

The   TIMSS 2015 Assessment Frameworks   provides the foundation for the five international assessments to take place as part of IEA’s TIMSS 2015: TIMSS Mathematics-Fourth Grade, TIMSS Numeracy, TIMSS Mathematics-Eighth Grade, TIMSS Science-Fourth Grade, and TIMSS Science-Eighth Grade. The   TIMSS 2015 Mathematics framework   and the   TIMSS 2015 Science Framework   presented in Chapters 1 and 2, respectively, describe in some detail the major content and cognitive domains in mathematics and science to be tested at the fourth and eighth grades. The content domains (for example, algebra, geometry, etc. in mathematics, and biology, chemistry, etc. in science) and the topic areas within the domains are described separately for the fourth and eighth grades with each topic area elaborated with specific objectives. The cognitive domains describing the thinking students should be doing within the mathematics and science content domains are the same for mathematics and science and parallel across grades, but with different levels of emphasis. Chapter 3 contains the   TIMSS 2015 Context Questionnaire Framework   describing the types of schooling situations and factors associated with students’ learning in mathematics and science that will be investigated via the   TIMSS 2015 Encyclopedia   and the questionnaires completed by students, their teachers, and schools. Finally, Chapter 4 provides an overview of the test booklet design including general parameters for item development.
TIMSS 2015 Assessment Frameworks
TIMSS 2015 Assessment Frameworks
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