How many sets of bookshelves can the carpenter make?
To complete one set of Bookshelves a carpenter needs the following equipments: 4 long Wooden Panel 6 Short Wooden Panels 12 Small Clips 2 Large Clips and 14 ScrewsThe Carpenter has in stock 26 long wooden panels, 33 short wooden panels, 200 small clips, 20 large clips and 510 screws.
How many sets of bookshelves can the carpenter make?
What is or are the specific knowledge and/or skills needs to get each item right?For each of the items, what domain(s) of education policy knowledge and skills is/are tested?Are the non-keys plausible enough – that is, is it strong enough to seduce candidates who are uncertain of the correct answer away from it?Are the items biased against a certain group of students?What are your comments on the technical aspects of each multiple-choice item in the question?
Date: February 19, 2020