This guidance is for (I)NGOs, UN organizations and research institutions involved in assessment of learning outcomes, whether for their own projects or supporting government.

If you are conducting an assessment, and contracting an organisation to conduct the assessment, this step-by-step guidance can help you with the development of the ToR, and for the organisation to help prepare their proposal, inception report, and with overall planning, to ensure that all the key steps of the assessment cycle are well-covered.

If you are supporting a government assessment unit or research organisation with the conduct of assessment, this self-evaluation tool can be used to identify the key strengths and gaps in how the assessment unit or organisation is conducting and managing the assessment. This can be used for more targetted capacity building, saving costs, and increasing impact. It may also be used to identify areas where an external / additional organisation or consultant may need to come in, to provide additional expertise addressing the capacity gaps.

Once the assessment is completed, several specialized visualization tools (free / open source) can be used to help analyse and use the results for decision making.

See also our partners and partner resources.